Parents of currently enrolled students are viewing photos and getting news updates through their own accounts. We thought we would take a moment to share with our broader community (and our session 3 parents), how things are going at Camp Pinnacle.
First off: Everyone is having a lot of fun!

The arrival of our amazing Session 2 kids on July 6 helped us get over how much we missed our equally amazing Session 1 campers who left us on July 3.
The sun is finally back out and after record setting rainfall that has us over 20 inches ahead of “normal” for the year. But the 11 inches of rain we’ve received in July hasn’t put a dent in the incredible number of activities in which our kids are participating, nor in the fun we have been having!
Every day, vans loaded with campers head out to Pisgah Forest, Black Balsam, Dupont State Forest, Gibert’s Rock, Sliding Rock and the Nantahala River. Via raft, rock, foot and bike, we are exploring the incredible scenery of Western North Carolina and hopefully building a lifetime love of nature and outdoor activities in our campers. We are spending the night out camping in both Pisgah Forest and in our three on campus backcountry sites.

Meanwhile when in camp, our campers are participating in six activities a day. The new canoes, mountain bikes, stand up paddle boards and kayaks are all getting plenty of use. The new waterslide has been receiving outstanding reviews and Tom’s new Putt-Putt course is a huge hit. Ed our resident riflery expert is reporting that many campers are reaching marksman status and archery, tennis, Gaga Ball, and soccer are also very popular. Diane our waterfront director is busy teaching swimming skills. Campers are loving the rope swing, aqua glide and new aqua trampoline during free swim.
Evening activities and special events include “Club Pinnacle,” Counselor Hunt, Capture the Flag, the Pinnacle Adventure Race, The Hunger Games, Gold Rush, Talent Night and the Camp Olympics, to name just a few.
Mike and Richard’s food is incredible. No one will lose weight this summer. The good thing is that besides being really tasty, Camp Pinnacle food is also healthy!
While having an incredible amount of fun, campers also are gaining independence, building resilience and improving communication, creativity and collaboration skills. A lot of great friendships are being made here and we are very proud of our incredible team of counselors. It’s an impressive group of role models and the vibe at CP is fun and very comfortable. We can’t think of anything that is both as fun and as good for you as Camp Pinnacle.